Thursday, March 13, 2014

Where To Download Christian Music

It occurred to me that there are a lot of folks out there looking for some free music downloads. Now as a musician, it kind of gets under my skin a bit that we work really hard to make the music and spend a lot of money, and then people will go download it for free somewhere. But the thing I've come to realize is that there isn't really much that can be done about that. I can also understand how music is such a big part of life and it can sometimes be hard to scrape up a continual stream of extra dough to keep the music coming.

So, I would like to offer a bit of a thought if your browsing around right now looking for a way to score some free music, and in a way that still benefits the artist. The trick is to dig a little and you will probably find loads of free music being offered by theartists themselves! If it's really just good music you're after, you might try widening the net just a bit and try listening to something off the beaten path. What I mean is that there are a lot of bands out there that aren't your big famous artists that are simply trying to get their music out and circulating so they can one day make a career out of it. And we're not talking cruddy demos, we're talking some actual great tunes man!

Here’s the deal. All you have to know is that there is a ton of music out there just waiting for you to discover that is absolutely free and is completely sanctioned by the artist and creator of the song. Limewire and all the other torrent sites are completely despised by musicians and take away from what they work so hard to achieve. So if you just can’t spend the money to buy the music, instead of ripping it, just go look for a way to get free music from other artists and then buy other music as you can.

If you are interested in how you can widen your net and find some of this FREE music that is out there, check out this article that will help you figure outwhere to search!

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